Dr Mathias Deleau

Mathias obtained his PhD from the University of Southampton looking at the “impacts of anthropogenic sounds on fish behavior” following an MSc in Marine Ecology and Environmental Management (Queen Mary University of London) and an MSc in Applied Ethology and Animal Behavior (Linkoping Universitet – Sweden).  A French citizen, he also spent 3 years at the University of Toulouse where he obtained the French equivalent of a BSc in “Biologie des Organismes, Populations and Ecosystemes” (Universite Paul Sabatier – Toulouse).Mathias has a broad knowledge of both freshwater and marine ecosystems and he has been involved in several projects dealing with the conservation and management of various species in addition  to fish. For example, he worked on: the Parc Marin International des Bouches de Bonifacio (Corsica - FR) as a field researcher; the Centro Ricerca Delfini (Caprera - IT) on monitoring bottlenose dolphin populations, and finally as a field researcher for Birdlife Malta on storm petrels and shearwaters populations management.
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