RDS - Responsible Down Standard

The textile industry has become increasingly aware of its sourcing challenges. In particular the use of animal products such as feather and down, wool, angora, cashmere and leather. And, with the development of the Responsible Down Standard (RDS), a leading standard for animal welfare in down and feather products has been created. With Control Union’s global expertise, we can offer services for all animal products included in textiles.

To ensure the continuous improvement of best animal welfare practices in the down industry, Control Union performs audits to check whether your supply chain complies with the RDS. The RDS has been developed by Control Union, The North Face and Textile Exchange through a wide stakeholder review process, which involved, among others, worldwide down supply chain members and major animal welfare organisations. The scope of the RDS includes the full down supply chain from the farms and slaughter facilities (animal welfare) to the down processors and garment factories (traceability).

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