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Control Union (UK) verification of the Marine Stewardship Council's ITM programme: A success story of a South African fishery's hard work resulting in being awarded Ocean Stewardship Funding to initiate Fisheries Improvement Projects

Control Union (UK) are proud to announce that two South African fisheries (Albacore Tuna Pole and Line Fishery and the Rope Grown Mussel Fishery) which were pre-assessed under the MSC Fish for Good program have successfully entered the MSC In Transition to MSC (ITM) Program.
WWF, led by FIP Co-ordinator Bokamoso Lebepe, have created FIPS for each of the aforementioned fisheries. Dr Hugh Jones, Principal Fisheries Assessment Manager (CU UK) has verified as eligible to enter the ITM program. Furthermore, the two fisheries have successfully secured funding through the Ocean Stewardship Fund which will provide much needed financial support to realise the aims and objectives for the milestones within each of the action plans. This is all to provide greater opportunities for small scale artisanal fisheries to improve sustainable practices and be eligible to enter MSC certification processes

CU UK would like to congratulate WWF, Bokamoso and the team for their hard work and wish the best of luck with the FIP and look forward to verifying the fruits of their labour in the near future.

If you require FIP verification services or interested in any of the programs named in this article please contact

Dr Toru Tsuzaki Fisheries Scheme Manger

Read the full press release
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