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Case Study: Mon Exports

Our client Mon Exports, based in India, take their social contribution seriously. They make bags and luggage for their client’s brands, and had traditionally relied on materials such as Leather, Canvas (Waxed/Non-Waxed), Cork, Jute and Rattan. Realising that their clients and end customers were becoming increasingly concerned with environmental issues and sustainability, they were looking for a new production material which could directly address these concerns. Ocean Bound Plastic was their answer.


How does plastic recycling help businesses to achieve greater sustainability?

Reduce-reuse-recycle is more than just a catchy mantra, rather it can form the basis of an effective strategy for avoiding plastic waste. For businesses of all sizes, avoiding unnecessary plastics consumption and switching to reusable materials is an important step when working towards an environmentally friendly future.

Case Study: Trevira

Our client Trevira GmbH is an innovative European manufacturer of international renown. They produce high-value branded fibres and filament yarns for technical applications and hygiene products as well as for home textiles, automotive interiors, and functional apparel. Their commitment to operating in an environmentally conscious manner has led them to create a wide range of sustainable versions of their products, with a focus on using recycled materials.

Businesses need to change how they think about plastic

The modern era has been dubbed the ‘Plastic Age’ by scientists who have found plastic pollution is now being deposited into the fossil record. An audit of waste plastic conducted by Greenpeace and Break Free from Plastic highlighted the huge extent to which businesses are contributing to our plastic crisis. However, it’s not just the producers of plastic products, or products packaged in plastic, who need to reevaluate their plastic impact. If we are to turn the tide on this global waste crisis, then all businesses need to take stock and take action to ensure that they are both reducing their use of plastic and responsibly managing their plastic waste.

Going plastic free could be easier than you think

‘More Masks Than Jellyfish’ read one headline. The year of 2020 and the pandemic saw the use of plastic masks and PPE on an unprecedented scale. As the lockdown eases, it is time to refocus our energies towards solutions and opportunities.

Case Study: Green Gift Cards

As pioneers in the plastic to paper journey for the gift, loyalty and membership card production industry in the UK, our client Green Gift Cards set out on a mission to find an environmentally friendly alternative to plastic, for the production of their products back in 2008.

Why a self-made claim about plastics is no longer enough

Since the BBC aired Blue Planet 2 in 2017, the conversation around the use of plastics has continued to hit the headlines with increasing regularity and is of growing concern to consumers and governments alike. The UN Environment Programme estimates that plastics constitute “as much as 95 percent of the marine litter found on coastlines, the sea surface, and the ocean floor”. And when it comes to plastics it is packaging which is the biggest culprit, with the UK alone producing over 2 million tonnes of plastic packaging every year. Given the gravity of the global plastics crisis, businesses can no longer assume that unsubstantiated claims, pledges, or pacts around their use of plastic will be enough to secure the public’s trust in their brand. Now more than ever they need to prove the ways in which they are cutting the use of plastic and adopting alternative, compostable, materials through a robust certification process.

regenagri® certifies Scheffer farms as regenerative

Scheffer farm group in Brazil has become the first company in the Americas to receive the regenagri® certification for regenerative agriculture. With a core focus on reducing chemicals and increasing biodiversity on their farms over the last 5 years, Scheffer has succeeded in transitioning to a regenerative approach for their highly productive arable land in the Sapezal, located in Chapadão do Parecis, Brazil.
Read more at Certifications
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